Schools & Daycares
I'm Interested
Easy & Profitable

⦁ No money counting or reporting sales tax.
⦁ No sending students door - to - door.
⦁ No managing inventory.
⦁ Money back on each animal sold!
⦁ Donation check presented same day!

Creative & Fun

⦁ Interactive hands-on activity.
⦁ Students create own unique collectible animal.
⦁ Students have a blast in our mobile Zoo!

Does it Cost the School or Daycare?
NO! There is no risk to you. Follow our simple steps and you will have a very successful event.

How long are the kids out of class?

Students are only out of class approx. 10-15 minutes at a time. Over 60 kids go through per hour.

How much $$ does my school get?
Money is donated back per package sold to your students. There are 2 different packages to choose from.  The more students who participate, the more money you will receive. A check will be presented at the end of the event.

Am I allowed to advertise?
Advertise as little or as much as you want. Either way, hosting an event with Zoo Crew will be successful. The more students who participate, the more money your school will receive as a donation.

What does the school need to do?
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We bring the mobile zoo to you and the students have the "best day ever!" (That is a direct quote by many kids)
